Broodslayers History: Guild Campaigns: Mordain Campaign: Mordain Moments:
The Broodslayers guild supports several campaigns ran on servers
operated by members of the leadership. Those rank Avatar or higher
run official guild campaigns.
MOMENTS This campaign, which has been existence since the early days of the guild, allows several groups of players to form parties in an attempt to defeat the dark sorcerer Mordain. Keltset looks out for his teamKeltset DeathLord, played by God (Officer) Stealth, asks, "Chokra, has everybody else received their reward?" during the Nov. 23, 2003, evil Session D of the Mordain Campaign for the Broodslayers guild. This campaign is hosted and DMed by Guild Owner Chokra Broodslayer. Keltset is the party leader for this session. If you have further questions, contact Chokra at chokra@broodslayers.com. |