BROODSLAYERS PERSISTENT WORLD The Broodslayers guild supports the Broodslayers Official PW (persistent world), a place where guild members can meet to role-play and seek out quests. The following downloads are available. Any hak packs noted are required. Portrait packs are optional, but you are encouraged to download them in order to see everyone's portrait properly. DOWNLOADS:
MODULES Module 1: The Well of Souls v1.1 39KB <<<The Well of Souls is a short, single-player adventure created by Broodslayers guild owner Chokra Broodslayer for the BioWare Module Writing Contest. As such, certain rules had to apply -- including only using one area and no more than three NPCs. This adventure is not combat oriented and is playable by PCs of any level.>>> If you have further questions, contact Chokra at chokra@broodslayers.com. |